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Year-round support from our entire team of education experts

Our Captivate Retainer program is for any school district, of any size, with any budget. Whether you’re looking to save budget dollars, outsource one function of your department to our team, receive some strategic counsel, or invest in professional development, a Captivate Retainer is a great option for your district. With more than 15 retainer partners in 2023-24, more and more districts are strategically saving budget dollars with agreements like these.


Our Fractional Retainer places us on your team as a member of your communications department.

This type of agreement is perfect for school districts who:

  • – value Captivate’s expertise on video, motion graphics, and strategic communications topics
  • – are facing budgetary challenges that are affecting their Communications team’s capacity
  • – have paid for multiple video production or motion graphics projects in past years and want to find some cost savings
  • – want a predictable budget item that they can “set and forget” at the beginning of the year

Fractional Retainers range from 6-50 hours/month.


Our Specialist Retainer meets a specific ongoing need or priority that your communications team may not have the skills or capacity to complete.

This type of agreement is perfect for school districts who:

  • – want to outsource video, editing, or graphics, so their team can focus on other priorities
  • – have a series of videos in mind as part of their communications strategy.
  • – want to expose their team to the highest quality craftsmanship in one area or function
  • – may not have the full budget for a Fractional Retainer

Specialist Retainers start at 4 hours/month.


Our Consulting Retainer focuses on strategic counsel, typically as a part of a district’s strategic plan or a referendum campaign.

This type of agreement is perfect for school districts who:

  • – have a referendum campaign, enrollment challenges to address, or may need to build trust as a brand
  • – want a full-service partner, who can provide communications strategy, social media content, video and motion graphics, and marketing materials

Consulting Retainers can be signed on a 3, 6, or 12 month basis.


Captivate’s newest offering, our Training Retainer, provides professional development for district staff and residency opportunities for students.

This type of agreement is perfect for school districts who:

  • – have amazing staff who are hungry to level up their video skills and content
  • – want to invest in the professional development of their teachers or district staff
  • – are looking to provide ongoing feedback and collaboration to their team
  • – want to consistently see what other districts are doing well when it comes to video production

Training Retainers start at 4 hours/month.

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